Nicotine use in Sweden is neither increasing nor decreasing - but fewer people are smoking

6% of the Swedish population smokes daily. Another 6 per cent smoke sporadically. At the same time, 17% use traditional snus daily, 7% use white snus and 2% use vejpar. This is according to the latest report from Swedish CAN.

The annual summary from the organisation CAN shows that cigarette smoking continues to decline in Sweden. Nicotine use has increased over the past 20 years. But the increase has stalled.
"In 2023, 30 per cent of the population had smoked, snuffed, vejpat or used heat-not-burn products at least once in the past month. This is an increase compared to 2010, but has remained at the same level since 2019", CAN writes in its latest report "Self-reported smoking and snuff habits 2003-2023"

Nicotine pouches increase snus use

The use of white snus, nicotine pouches, is equal among both men and women in Sweden. In 2023, 7% used white snus daily. However, the figures show that the use of snus overall has increased sharply among women over the past 10 years, from 4% in 2011 to 13% in 2023.

Young people choose to vejpa

Women are also more likely to use e-cigarettes than men. 6 per cent of women use e-cigarettes daily or occasionally compared to 4 per cent of men. However, daily use of e-cigarettes across the population is low - CAN estimates that 2% of the population uses vejp daily. At the same time, interest in vejping is significantly higher in the younger generation, aged 17-29, where 16 per cent say they have used e-cigarettes in the past month. However, the majority, 12 per cent, were occasional users.

E-cigs on the rise among older people

However, older people are also using e-cigarettes to a greater extent than in previous years. In the 30 to 49 age group, 5 per cent say they vejpat in the past 30 days - an increase from 2 per cent in 2021. In the 50 to 64 age group, use increases from 1 to just over 2 per cent over the same period.

Low use of heat-not-burn

The use of heated tobacco remains low in Sweden. In dfag, there is only one product on the market and the use of heat-not-burn is 0.3 per cent of the population.

Want to reduce the use

CAN, Central Association for Alcohol and Drug Informationis an interest organisation with the task of monitoring the use of tobacco and alcohol in Sweden. CAN is based on a decision made by the previous government to reduce the use of all tobacco products, including new nicotine products, in Sweden.

1 Comment on “Nikotinbruket i Sverige varken ökar eller minskar – men allt färre röker

  1. I've never been a big smoker: in the past when you were allowed to smoke inside, many people smoked 2 packs/day, I smoked at most 15 cigars. The last few years I smoked 5-6 cigarettes / day but it eventually affected the vocal cords anyway. Then I started with e-cigs instead and then I became a soprano again. I realised that you don't get as much shit in you. burnt paper, burnt tobacco....

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