Study: "Nicotine restriction on snus, ban on nicotine in schools and ban on vaping"

Nicotine limit for both snus and nicotine pouches.
A ban on the sale of nicotine products and a total ban on the use of smokeless nicotine, such as snus or e-cigarettes, during school hours.
This is the suggestion of a government inquiry aimed at reducing nicotine use among young people.
"We have chosen not to distinguish between smoking and smokeless nicotine products, but believe that these changes should apply across the board," says investigator Inga-Lill Askersjö.

After a six-month extension, additional directives and a shift in focus, the study on the new regulation of nicotine products, which was launched in 2022, was finalised on Monday. main task was to explore the possibility of changing the objective of the current tobacco control framework. The so-called ANDTS strategy currently focuses on reducing the prevalence of all nicotine use. At the same time, a majority in thedays separate the use of cigarettes from the use of snus, e-cigarettes and other smokeless nicotine products in future strategies.

"We believe it is important to have a policy that makes a clear distinction between the harmfulness of different products and that focuses on prevention and harm reduction. A new overall goal for the ANDTS policy and a new ANDTS strategy are therefore needed." said Johan Hultberg (m), member of the Social Affairs Committee, during a recent debate in the Parliament.

"Had a child's perspective"

In the end, damage minimisation was not the focus of the investigation, says the investigator. Inga-Lill Askesjö.

"We have had a child perspective on these issues. And we find that there is no reason to have different legislation in this area or to differentiate between the requirements we impose on these different products. Whether it is snus or cigarettes. Whether there are other reasons to have different regulations for these products in other areas, I don't know," says Inga-Lill Askesjö to Vejpkollen.

Maximum nicotine content for snus and nicotine pouches

The report proposes that both tobacco snuff and nicotine pouches should not have a higher nicotine content than 12 mg/gram. At present, the nicotine content of a "normal" tobacco product is between 8 and 10 mg/gram. But there are also other factors, such as moisture and ph value which ultimately determines nicotine delivery.

“Det var väldigt svårt att sätta en gräns. Men efter att ha jämfört hur olika länder gör, hur producenterna bedömer styrkan och experter på området säger så landade vi  på 12 mg/gram. Men jag är säker på att den här diskussionen kommer att fortsätta innan det här förslaget kan bli verklighet” säger Inga-Lill Askersjö.

Ban on all nicotine use during school hours

Utredningen föreslår även att helt förbjuda bruk av nikotinprodukter under skoltid – hela vägen upp i gymnasiet. Enligt Inga-Lill Askersjö är det inte bara ett problem att bruket av nikotinpåsar har ökat i skolorna. Det handlar även om att bruket av nikotinpåsar blivit alltför synligt, menar hon.

"Young people do what their friends do. If they see a friend snusing or waving their canister, there is a greater risk that others will follow suit. It is this use that we want to prevent. If it's not allowed to use snus during school hours, it won't be as visible anymore and maybe fewer people will start," says Inga-Lill Askersjö.

"Needs more discussion"

Inga-Lill Askersjö does not want to discuss exactly how the ban will be monitored and enforced. 

"This is an issue that needs to be discussed, how schools should handle this in relation to the pupils. Even today, we believe that we should not expel students who violate the smoking ban, or confiscate cigarettes. It's more about informing students and parents that there is a ban. But this is something that those involved need to discuss more." says Inga-Lill Askersjö.

Appeal to teachers who use snus

Teachers are also expected to follow the spirit of the ban, even if it does not technically apply to them. According to Inga-Lill Askesjö, it is not really so problematic that teachers vejpake or snuff. As long as it is not visible.
"I hope that teachers and other staff interpret this as meaning that they shouldn't actually show that they snuff openly to students. I think that would be natural. Of course you don't put your snuff box on the desk if you've just told your pupils to put theirs down." says Inga-Lill Askersjö to Vejpkollen.

Prohibition of trafficking

The aim is to reduce the use of nicotine among those who are not allowed to buy the products either, says Inga-Lill- Askersjö. Another proposal is therefore a ban on the sale of nicotine products to minors. This would be designed in a similar way to the ban on selling alcohol. At present, it is only illegal to sell nicotine products to minors.

"It will be a criminal offence to give or buy these products to someone under 18. It also means that the police can seize nicotine products from a minor. This will be possible in any case, with the logic that an offence has probably been committed when the minor acquired the products" says Inga-Lill Askersjö.

Measures against illicit trade

So-called warehousing of nicotine products will also be prohibited. Tobacco products, e-cigarettes, refill containers and tobacco-free nicotine products will not be allowed to be stored in commercial premises or associated warehouses if they are not authorised for sale on the premises. This means that, for example, unregistered e-cigarettes or cigarettes cannot even be present in shops, even if the owner does not intend to sell them.

"The reason for the ban is that the illicit trade in nicotine products has grown and become an important source of income for organised crime. This is a way to increase the possibilities to intervene against those who acquire goods that are clearly intended for the black market." says Inga-Lill Askersjö.

Watch the full press conference here:

Jakob Forssmed receives report from inquiry on nitrous oxide, alcohol and tobacco

Listen to Vejpkollen's interview with investigator Inga-Lill Askersjö (via YouTube):

7 Comments on “Utredning: ”Nikotingräns för snus, nikotinförbud på skoltid och förbud mot langning”

  1. I think it's up to each individual whether they want to use snus or smoke; there are more important things for the government to deal with, such as organised crime.

  2. Isn't drug dealing already prohibited?
    Otherwise, total idiocy, as usual in government inquiries...

    1. No, vending is not prohibited for nicotine products. However, selling to people under 18 is prohibited. In other words, an 18-year-old can buy and sell to younger friends without penalty.

  3. The most important thing is to ban the further development of tobacco/nicotine products. Then those who are stuck can continue to use them, but young people will not be tempted to take over what old men and women are doing.

    1. The idea of banning "development" is always tricky. Is it even possible? In addition. If 'development' means that nicotine use (which after all seems to be fairly constant, even across national borders) is becoming less and less harmful, then surely 'development' is a good thing for all concerned?

  4. Can't ban everything better Inform young people about the dangers of smoking and snuffing Show them pictures of lungs and other organs after long periods of smoking and snuffing.

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